Find out the SEO optimized structure of a website

As of now, your site could be productive and streamlined, with site pages that are sensibly ordered and very much put like a sorted out documenting system. Then again, your site could have ranked organically, without much beginning thought to it’s structure, and has now turned into a scattered and elusive chaos of pages. In any case, on the off chance that you give some cautious thought to your structure as you develop, it could turn into a basic piece of your SEO 먹튀.

5 steps to create SEO friendly website structure:

1.Plan Site Hierarchy:

The most basic hierarchy structure is to have the most essential search ranking pages at the top, and to channel down to the less vital pages. There are pages that will be a special case to this, and these pages will be unavoidable so that exploring around your site will be clear and straightforward, yet this is the general guideline.

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It is imperative to design your site hierarchy before constructing your site, so that your pages don’t turn into a scattered chaos. In the event that you are uncertain where you will reach with your site later on, then attempt to tail this general structure as you go.

2.URL and Site Structure Should Match:

You ought to likewise guarantee that yourURL structure coordinates with your hierarchy. For instance, on the off chance that you are selling a charming pink summer dress on your attire site, your URL may appear as though this:

The URL is unmistakably separated into Category → Sub-Category → Product. This is simple for the crawlers to peruse and simple for your clients to explore.

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3.Website Depth Should Be Low:

Another key component of your structure is to have a shallow site. This means, each page on your site can be open inside a couple of clicks of your landing page. For good SEO, you ought to hope to make your site 3-clicks profound or less. It becomes easy for your site to be crawled, and the less demanding the crawl-ability, the simpler Google can locate your content and rank it.

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